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Avoiding lock accidents

10/30/2013 Back To Blog

Locks are made to keep dangerous people away from your home; that alone highlights the importance of locking up. However, there are times when we might experience different mishaps and accidents involving our locks. The following are two known cases of such lock accidents. Locksmith Tolleson recommends that we all take precautions when using locks. Read on to learn how you can prepare for such accidents and save yourself plenty of trouble in the future.

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The first well-known lock accident are lockouts. It could be from your home or car. This accident is prevalent in everyone’s life because of how easily it can happen. All it would take is to just forget about the keys while you lock up the house. This accident can be averted by simply having a spare key ready, or by placing the key in an item you know you will bring ahead of time. Failing that, you can ask for outside assistance. Call a family member who you know is inside the house at the time using a phone and ask them to open the door for you. If there isn’t anyone in the house at the time, call a friend or someone you know who has a duplicate key. If you are locked out of the car, call a family member or friend and have them deliver the key to you.

The second well-known accident is the accidental opening of the lock by a child. Children are young; they are often curious about many things, making them rather active. Because of this, they can accidentally open the locks of the front door and wander off into the street by themselves, unaware of the dangers that can happen. This is something that has to be prevented at all costs. You can prevent this from happening either by child proofing the lock to prevent them from opening it, by installing a lock that cannot be easily opened from the inside or by simply watching over the child while he plays around the house.

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